Texas Building Code for Glass Railings

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All construction work in Texas is governed by the Texas Building Code (TBC). This document provides homeowners and contractors with safety compliance guidelines for constructing functional and user-friendly buildings.

Furthermore, this code guides the design and installation of glass railing systems across the state. In particular, it details glass panel and guardrail minimum specifications required for deploying safe glass guard railings in homes, offices, and public buildings.

If you want to learn more about the Texas Building Code for glass railings, this article is for you. Reading this guide should help you navigate the complexities of framed and frameless glass railing safety regulations without violating state laws.

What is the Texas Building Code

The Texas Building Code is a state guideline that regulates construction work in Texas. Managed by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, the current TBC is based on the 2021 edition of the International Building Code (IBC).

This version of the IBC was adopted on July 1, 2024, and all buildings, housings, modular components, and models must be constructed based on the code. Due to high temperatures in Texas, materials, and components specified by the document must be heat-resistant and meet specific safety regulations.

The TBC is evaluated and reviewed, which involves the adoption of the latest edition of the IBC. Like other states, supplementary adjustments may be made to accommodate essential updates to the code.

Municipalities and other relevant local authorities may have additional safety regulations that apply to specific areas.

Glass Railing Functionality

Frameless Guardrails

Like all railings, framed and frameless glass railings serve as guardrails in private and public spaces. Also, building owners are required to install guard railings in specific locations within and outside buildings.

Mezzanines, balconies, stairways, and other raised platforms require glass railings or guardrails to support users and prevent falls. As such, the compliance guidelines of the Texas Building Code provide for the following glass railing safety regulations.

  • Open-side elevated platforms, ramps, and stairways 762 mm (30 inches) higher than the adjacent floor must have guard railings.
  • Glass deck railings and other glass guardrails must not allow passage of a spherical body that exceeds a diameter of 100 m (4 inches).
  • Glass railing systems must safely withstand 50 lbs per linear foot load and 200 lbs per concentrated load.

Texas Glass Railing Compliance Guidelines

Frameless Glass Stairways

Strict adherence to compliance guidelines of the Texas Building Code is critical for the design and installation of safe glass railing systems. For this reason, you must pay attention to guardrail and glazing specifications when installing glass railings in any building.

Furthermore, this code together with local guidelines guides fencing pool areas with glass.

Glass Panel Requirements

For a safe and functional guard railing, specific glass panel types are required. Thus, the Texas Building Code specifies the following glass railing requirements for glazing.

  • The glass used in framed and frameless guardrails must be laminated glass made out of heat-strengthened or fully tempered glass, complying with Class A of ANSI Z97.1 or Category II of CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201.
  • Where the risk of falling glass is nonexistent, single fully tempered glass complying with Class A of ANSI Z97.1 or Category II of CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201 can be used in guard railings.
  • Glazing used in framed and frameless glass railings must have a minimum thickness of 12 mm (0.5 inches).
  • Glass panels with visible chips, cracks, or defects cannot be used in guardrails.
  • The shade and color of a glass panel are irrelevant as long as it conforms to the earlier mentioned building safety compliance requirements.

Railing Height Requirements

Pool Fencing

The Texas Building Code also pays close attention to the railing height to prevent people from falling off. Therefore, staircases and elevated spaces more than 762 mm (30 inches) high must have glass railings or guardrails with the following specifications.

  • Glass guardrails must have a minimum height ofΒ 914 mm (36 inches).
  • Where required, handrails on glass railings must be between 864 mm (34 inches) and 965 mm (38 inches).

However, glass railings used for other purposes may have different height requirements. In particular, glass railing requirements for pool enclosures in Texas limit accidental drowning from unauthorized access.

Here are some of the pool enclosure guidelines.

  • A pool must have an enclosure that is at least 1219 mm (48 inches) in height.
  • This fencing should completely enclose the pool area and it should not allow passage of a spherical object that is 100 m (4 inches) in diameter.
  • All the gates leading into the pool area must also be a minimum of 1219 mm (48 inches) and have self-latching and self-closing devices inside the gate. Also, all pool gates should open into the pool area.
  • The windows and doors of a building that form part of a pool enclosure must be equipped with alarms that trigger when opened.

Texas Building Code provides this pool fencing compliance guidelines for the entire state. However, some cities and towns within the state may have stricter safety regulations.

Maintaining Glass Railing Systems

Glass railing systems can transform any space into a sleek and aesthetically pleasing environment. However, some maintenance is required to keep the glass deck railings and other glass guardrails looking good.

Here are the best practices for the maintenance of all glass railing systems.

  • Regularly inspect glass railing systems for structural and glazing damage or problems.
  • Immediately replace broken glass panels and damaged fittings.
  • Clean railings with non-abrasive cleaners that do not destroy surfaces.
  • Look out for rust as it can weaken fittings and fixtures. Replace components with significant degradation from rust.
  • Ensure all seals and gaskets used in framed glass railings are intact.
  • If the glass railing system feels unstable when used as support, please immediately contact your local installer to prevent avoidable accidents.


Building professionals, including architects and engineers all rely on the Texas Building Code for building safety regulations. This current code used in the state is based on the 2021 International Building Code, which serves as a benchmark for most states in the US.

The Texas construction safety regulations also have specific guidance for glass railing requirements, covering glass panel types and guard railing height. This code together with city and town compliance guidelines defines pool enclosure rules that prevent accidental drowning.

While sticking to the Texas Building Code for glass railings is critical for functional guardrails, maintaining these systems keeps them aesthetically pleasing.

Texas Building Code for Glass Railings FAQs

What is the tempered glass code in Texas?

The tempered glass code in Texas specifies the use of tempered glass in windows and doors. In particular, laminated tempered glass is required for guardrails.

What is the building code for railings in Texas?

The Texas Building Code for railings requires the installation of railings for elevated platforms 762 mm (30 inches) above the finished or adjacent floor. It also provides compliance guidelines for the use of glass panels and handrails.

Are frameless glass railings safe?

Frameless glass railings are as safe as any guardrails as long as appropriate glazing, fittings, and fixtures are used.

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